Hydraulics 2 is a hands-on discussion of fluid power principles and the operation of more advanced hydraulic systems.
It builds upon the fundamental principles covered in the Hydraulics Level I course.
Course Objectives:
Advanced methods of controlling hydraulic energy, including proportional valve technology, are introduced.
While some formulas are used, math is minimized. Hydraulic components are discussed including variable volume pumps, proportional valve, servo valves, and insert cartridge valves.
Fluid power symbols are discussed along with more advanced hydraulic schematics.
Circuits covered are more complex than those in the Level I course, with some typical industrial applications.
Operation of components are reviewed and sample circuits are discussed.
Circuit problems are solved by the student on a hydraulic trainer.
Taken Hydraulics I or a good working knowledge/experience
Session Details:
Dates: April 18-21, 2023
Times: 7:30 am – 4 pm
Location: MA Training Center-3405 Board Road, York PA 17406
Cost (member): $800
Cost (non-member):$1055